What can you do?

We need your help in many areas!

Place calls to Representatives

Many issues can be helped along by directly contacting our Representatives via phone, email and regular mail.  Can we call on you?

Visit Tallahassee

Periodically LWV makes in-person visits to our capital.  Can we call on you?

Letters to the Editor

Express your views in local publications.   View some tips:  HERE

Submit to TCPalm HERE

Attend Local Events

Voter Registration and Membership Drives are a lot of fun and a good way to participate.  Can we call on you?

Vote 411

LWV publishes this voter guide for election cycles.  Our next one is 2024.  We need folks to compile the information.  More HERE.  Will you help?

Fund Raising

There are a number of ways we can create impactful Fund Raising events.  Have some ideas?

Phone Tree

Maybe you can help  us by making a few phone calls to other members reminding them of upcoming meetings and events.  Can you help?

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