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Gayle Harrell

Senate  #31

Sponsor Harrell Bill Name
Calatayud Voted Yes SB #1386 Department of Environmental Protection evising the aquatic preserves within which a person may not operate a vessel outside a lawfully marked channel under certain circumstances; defining the term “Florida Flood Hub”; requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to conduct enforcement activities for violations of certain onsite sewage treatment and disposal system regulations in accordance with specified provisions; requiring certain facilities and systems to include a domestic wastewater treatment plan as part of a basin management action plan for nutrient total maximum daily loads, etc.
Brodeur Voted Yes SB #1532 Mitigation Defining the term “applicant”; revising the entities to whom and purposes for which water quality enhancement credits may be sold; requiring the Department of Environmental Protection or water management districts to authorize the sale and use of such credits to applicants, rather than to governmental entities, to address adverse water quality impacts of certain activities; authorizing local governments with land in credit-deficient basins to consider bids from private-sector applicants to establish mitigation banks on such lands, etc.
Collins Voted Yes SB #1628 Local Government Actions Requiring that certain bond referenda called by a county, district, or municipality be held at a general election; revising applicability provisions for the enactment or adoption of county and municipal ordinances, respectively, etc.
Polsky, Stewart Voted Yes SB #298 Saltwater Intrusion Vulnerability Assessments Authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to provide coastal counties, beginning on a specified date, with Resilient Florida Grant Program grants to fund saltwater intrusion vulnerability assessments; requiring the department to update the comprehensive statewide flood vulnerability and sea level rise data set and make certain information received from the saltwater intrusion vulnerability assessments publicly available on its website; requiring the department to provide cost-share funding up to a specified amount for awarded grants, etc.
Burgess Voted Yes SB #738 Environmental Management Requiring that nonindustrial stormwater management systems be designed with side slopes that meet certain minimum design requirements; revising construction relating to causes of action for damages to real or personal property directly resulting from certain discharges or other conditions of pollution, etc.
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